Pool Management

Participation Requirements

Currently, there are two primary ways to engage in market making without requiring special permissions:

  1. As a Pool Owner: This option is available to everyone but is recommended for individuals with a basic understanding of market making and sufficient capital. Pool owners have full control over their pools and strategies.

  2. As a Pool Participant: Also open to everyone, this option is ideal for those new to market making. Participants contribute funds to a Market Maker Pool of their choice and earn profits and rewards based on the pool’s performance, much like investing in a mutual fund in traditional finance.


Given the constantly shifting market dynamics, Mount Exchange provides pool owners with the flexibility to manage pool positions, adjust basic attributes, and fine-tune strategy parameters as needed.

Withdrawal Process

Withdrawing funds from MM pools can occur under two scenarios:

  1. No Open Positions: If the pool has no open positions, your funds will be returned immediately without any closing costs.

  2. Open Positions Present: If there are open positions, Mount Exchange will close your corresponding portion before transferring the funds to your wallet. In this case, a closing fee will apply, covering the cost of closing the positions. If market conditions are such that positions cannot be closed due to low liquidity, withdrawals may be delayed until the market stabilizes.

Last updated